Gaithersburg HELP’s heartbreaking loss

We are devastated that our wonderful friend and dedicated Executive Director, Linda Hanson, passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, January 25 while on vacation in New Zealand.
Words cannot express the loss we feel, and our sorrow for Linda’s family. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time. Linda’s energy and unending giving touched our whole community in so many ways. Please keep her smile and love for all in your heart and your memories. She will be so deeply missed.
We are deeply grateful to the Hanson family for designating Gaithersburg HELP as a beneficiary of donations made in honor of our late Executive Director, Linda Hanson. Linda’s vision for the organization will be carried forward by Executive Director Margo Goldman and the strong team of volunteers who worked so closely with her and cherish her memory.
Washington Post Obituary, February 7, 2017
A statement from Mayor Jud Ashman on the passing of Linda Hanson